What is a JayDiva?

JayDiva (noun) a writer of blogs who is an attorney, feminist, New Englander, child advocate, reader, hiker, cancer survivor, Mormon.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

New Look, New Philosophy

As J.Diva has become more about my life during and after cancer treatment, and the effect all that has had on my well-being and lifestyle and views, I have been contemplating a way to encapsulate my new-found feelings on life.  The most obvious shorthand answer is this simply: LIVE.  

All that I have suffered has been so I can just continue to live.  And now that I am still alive, there remains the obstacle of truly living.  People have been so kind and gracious to me as I have struggled for meaning in my difficulties, and tried to tackle the things I cannot change.

During my tired and quiet days, I spent much time contemplating my past and future.  Much has changed, but I think I have always been me, and fearing death has only made me want to live a life more true to that original me.

So this is the philosophy I have chosen to highlight going into my future-- to live life in a way that has meaning, exemplifies grace, and honors courage: