What is a JayDiva?

JayDiva (noun) a writer of blogs who is an attorney, feminist, New Englander, child advocate, reader, hiker, cancer survivor, Mormon.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How I Roll

For me, a perfect afternoon is one where I can ride my beautiful bike to the farmer's market and load up on fresh local produce and a whole grain treat, or two or three.

Hallelujah for spring & summer.

In the same vein...

I recently watched this film: Ingredients http://www.ingredientsfilm.com/ and although it wasn't as captivated as I'd hoped, they did make a good point.


I Made Something!

I don't craft.  The thought of knitting makes me ill.  By and large, I don't make things.  I cook things and grow things and read things and run on things.  But I usually don't make things.  And although I guess all I did here was kinda mix a couple things, I am still proud! :D

I made...drum roll please... my own TONER!

I have about the most finicky skin on the planet, and I have tried many a skin toner, and this one is awesome and, even better, cheap Cheap CHEAP!

I was inspired by a Whole Living article, which notes that using apple juice on the skin is particularly effective because of the fruits naturally-found Acetic Acid, Malic Acid, and Amylase which, respectively, acts as a mild antiseptic and astringent & is an antioxidant that protects against environmental toxins & is an exfoliating enzymes that removes dead skin cells. 

Whoa!  Talk about packing a punch!

Here's all I did:

-1 part withchazel (in the First Aid aisle of the grocery store)
-1 part apple juice (homemade or store-bought, or, like I did- farmers market bought!)

THAT'S ALL!  Just put it in a travel bottle; I keep mine in the fridge next to the baking soda for freshness.

Yep, creative genius.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Fabulous UP Balloon Cake, cuz you know how I love cake!

Because this was about the sweetest movie I've ever seen, I had to give an UP! shout-out after I saw this cake from Classic Cake and Confections in Phoenix.
