1) I began doing full-blown trials at work! Needless to say, as a brand new TRIAL attorney I learned the meaning of hard work all over again... late night phone calls to nutsy witnesses, staying at the office past 9:00pm regularly, legal research ad nauseam, writing out what I planned to say word for word, only to forget it all! It's been a whole new world. But honestly, I enjoy it. I enjoy doing the good work, being on the side of someone with nobody else on their side. But yeah, people's liberty has been taking precedence over writing blog posts.
2) I moved! There was only one small (major) hiccup...my movers cancelled on me the night before...yes, the greatest feelings of rage I have ever had to hold in because I got the phone call while at work. But hey, besides that, I LOVE my new place. I'm close enough to walk to work (which is AMAZING!) and to Whole Foods and to the shopping district and to the museum district, etc, etc. Its a GREAT place to be, in a lovely neighborhood right downtown. Love <3 br="">
3) The holidays; always a busy time. Plus I went to California and became wrapped up in my baby niece, who is the cutest little lady in the entire world! I am definitely Baby Gwen's #1 fan.
Our family bike ride was one of my favorite activities :)
4) Last, but not least, I fell in love. I call him Jack and he is amazing. And look! We've been having the time of our lives!
Here we are enjoying an early December weekend in NYC:
Luncheon at 21 Club during their special Salvation Army Band event. We got to sing Christmas carols along with the brass band-- it definitely put us in the Christmas spirit!
The Christmas Tree at The Rockefeller Center. The streets in downtown New York were PACKED with shoppers and tourists! It was nuts! We even tried some roasted chestnuts from a street vendor and they hit the spot.
But the highlight of the weekend was seeing an opera at The Met! Such a joy! Ever since I was in high school, I have been telling my girlfriend, "I want a man who will take me to the opera..." Little did Jack know, but he was making a very good move by taking me there!
We also saw The Nutcracker in Philadelphia at The Academy of Music this season--
And--BIG NEWS-- he came home with me for Christmas to be with the whole family :D
Isn't he handsome?!
I think Baby Gwen now has TWO biggest fans-- Jack picked out this outfit for her for Christmas:
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