What is a JayDiva?

JayDiva (noun) a writer of blogs who is an attorney, feminist, New Englander, child advocate, reader, hiker, cancer survivor, Mormon.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cheers to Friends!

We're still a few months out from International Friendship Day, but this has been in my heart:

I didn't always care very much about inter-personal connections.  I still don't consider myself someone who relies on other people much.  I have no problem with going to a matinee by myself (in fact, I just did a couple weeks ago since no one in my family wanted to see Les Mis over Christmas and all my friends had already seen it!).

When I graduated from high school and knew that I was the only one of my friends going to an out-of-state school, I was certain it would be years before I saw any of them again and I was totally at peace with that.  No tears, no issues, no late-night phone calls to distant BFFs; I just lived my life.
(Consequently, I got to see my high school girlfriends for the first time in about 10 years just this past Christmas, and it was so much more rewarding than I could have ever anticipated!)

But the older I get, the more I realize that few things can bring you peace, support, joy, understanding, and help in times of need like a good friend.  Perhaps living light-years away from my family has really fostered my new-found reliance on friends.

A couple months ago, I spend a weekend in Maryland with some amazing friends whom I met my first Sunday in Pennsylvania and it was one of those times when I realized just how much people outside of my family can mean to me.  This young family immediately took me under their wing when we first met and today, I feel like they are some of the very few people in this world who really get me and whom I can truly confide in.

I also recently got to see my dear, dear friend Alyse last month.  She and I grew up minutes from one another in California, but we never met until we were cramped in the same tent a million miles away from our families, while spending a semester in Australia.  I trust her with my life and she is one of the people I love most in the whole entire world.  I was so thrilled to see her so happy (a husband I strongly approve of and a baby on the way!) and getting an opportunity to go on another adventure with her last month way out in Utah was priceless.

I made the bold move of deciding to throw down some roots when I transplanted myself into Pennsylvania from California- about as far a distance you can go and still be in the same country!  And so many people --in Carlisle and Philadelphia, and from Maryland to Utah to Colorado-- have truly been there for me ever since I walked out my parents' front door with my earthly possessions packed into their car at age 18.

So thanks to everyone who has been there for me as I have struggled and learned and grown seemingly all on my own, but, in actuality, it all happened under your caring eyes.  Opening up to classmates, people at church, community members, teachers, and more has allowed me to not go through my recent experiences alone, for which I am truly grateful.

Speaking of which, I have an excellent roommate who, although she has a million and one struggles of her own, is always the first one to serve and encourage me when I need it.  Love you :)

Also there's my homeboy Shawn who helped me move into my Philly apartment before he had even met me!  We became fast friends- and thank goodness!  To highlight our friendship, we were asked to be joint Masters of Ceremony for our Ward Talent Show this weekend.  It was EPIC!  We literally spent the whole night with microphones & megaphones in hand, telling cheesy one-liners and ridiculous pick-up lines and generally making ourselves look ridiculous.

But who better to look ridiculous with than your friends?

Hats off to you all!  And THANK YOU!

Nerdin' Out With the Constitution

I had a free Saturday and since I have been meaning to check out the National Constitution Center-- a relatively new museum on Independence Mall with high reviews-- and so I seized the day!

I pedaled over on my bike and was very interested in their Prohibition exhibit.  Here's some of the things I saw:

Justice O'Connor's robe

 The Preamble published in a 1787 newspaper

Propaganda PROVING that if you drink, your kids WILL be adjudicated delinquent!

Excellent letter by an angry citizen!
 In case you can't read it, it says:

"Dear Sir

"Reed's description of you yesterday is that of nine-tenths of real Americans.

"That people like you are enabled to enact your narrow views into laws, simply because the average citizen is too busy to prevent it, is an evil in this system of government which some day will be blotted out.

"There is one things sure:  The people are beginning to wake up, and when they do and realize what you have put across, they'll blot you out of political existence at least."

And of course, some excellent ROARING 20'S FASHION!

 It's like Downton Abbey!  Can't you see Lady Mary wearing this^ dress?

And I don't know why, but I seriously love this photo!

Secret prohibition era alcohol stash.  It looks suspiciously like a Book of Mormon, so I thought it was especially funny ;)

Having just paid my taxes, I can't help but agree, "More Beer Less Taxes"!  ...at least the Less Taxes part, haha.

And I even got a mug shot taken with Al Capone!

Additionally, I realized that all it takes to get me choked up are these three words: "We the People..."

At this point in my life, liberty and Constitutional rights are what I eat, sleep, and breathe.  They are my world.  And it is a pleasure to fight for these freedoms in Philadelphia, the birthplace of liberty as we know it.