What is a JayDiva?

JayDiva (noun) a writer of blogs who is an attorney, feminist, New Englander, child advocate, reader, hiker, cancer survivor, Mormon.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Scooters + History + Cupcakes= an excellent morning

For a quasi-interesting read and some photos I took this morning, check this out: http://scatterthesunshine.blogspot.com/2012/07/factories-recession-and-townie-named.html

But onto the business of the day, I enjoyed my last morning of freedom this week before BAR EXAM LOCK-DOWN.  Nice knowing you all, but you probably won't be hearing from me for a while after today.

Knowing that I am moving basically immediately after doomsdays I wanted to make sure I did just one more thing while living in South-Central Pennsylvania.  And that one thing was...riding scooters around the Gettysburg Battlefield!!

You may think that's an odd thing to want to do so badly, but that's only because you haven't done it.  It was A BLAST!

For a long time I've been saying that I want to buy a scooter, like a gorgeous Vespa, once I start earning real life lawyer paychecks, have my car paid off, and am up to date on all my other necessaries and bills.  My time tables puts that at about...oh...maybe early 2015.  :/

So I have a while.
But while dreaming all of these big dreams, I needed to make sure that I was saving my pennies for a cause I could actually go through with.  In other words, I thought I'd better actually ride a scooter before I go out and invest a lot of time shopping around for one.

And what better place to learn that the tranquil paved roads around the battlefield, all around 25mph speed limits- perfect!  And, of course, lovely & scenic.
So I convinced a friend from church to go with me and we had so much fun!  I am DEFINITELY gonna get me one of these!!

And what adventure with me would be complete without a cupcake or two or three??
Yep, go on and be jealous of the Whoopie Pie Cupcake on the left -PA's finest dessert- and it was delicious :)

1 comment:

  1. Linny your scooter has a worried face on the front - did you scare it?
