Good News and Bizarre News.
First, the Good:
Last week I went in for my semi-annual comprehensive brain MRI at Yale and not only was I so zenned out that I literally trance-slept through the MRI (if you know how noisy these are, you know that this is practically a miracle)... meditation is seriously paying off! (Shout out to my Kundalini Yogi idol, Elyssa!) but then, when I saw my (super amazing) neuro-oncologist, he proclaimed that my scans were "BEAUTIFUL!" and "couldn't look better!" Sweeter words were never spoken. For some reason, I was really nervous this time around, and that was such a blessed moment for me.
Now the Bizarre:
Neuro-man said that although everything looks great, I have a persistent little hole in my brain where the tumor was, which is at my balance control center. A hole in my brain?! (Don't you DARE say, "That explains a lot..." !!) It may heal up over time, but it hasn't changed at all since last time, so if/when it does close, it would take quite a while.
Left is current, Right is 6 months ago.
Hole is in the bottom third, just right of middle.
Well, I already have been coping with scar tissue where the tumor was, which means a little dizziness going up and down stairs, and absolutely no attempts at balancing without my eyes open, lest utter disaster strike. I have been doing some gentle yoga here in town, and some online classes with Ballet Beautiful to try to work on my whole balance situation. But seeing minimal progress, I don't feel so bad anymore, knowing that I am coping with a literal hole in that part of my brain.
But honestly, if being the worst at Tree Pose in all yoga classes for the rest of my life is going to be my most significant side effect of brain cancer, then that seems like a pretty fair trade for being alive <3 nbsp="" p="">
May we all have beautiful brains and happy hearts! xoxo
(And may we all use the cold weather as an excuse to go to a museum! It will bring joy to your brain AND your heart!)