What is a JayDiva?

JayDiva (noun) a writer of blogs who is an attorney, feminist, New Englander, child advocate, reader, hiker, cancer survivor, Mormon.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Winter Respite in NYC

Oops, forgot to write about this sooner, even though I promised to!

Before I began life as a fulltime, real deal, salary-earning, working stiff, I took a long day trip to NYC with a good friend whom we will call AMG (alto, moreno y guapo) and it was a seriously GREAT time!

First of all, we showcased our poshness by taking the train into town, and hit up the Grand Central Station Terminal Market as soon as it opened, after enjoying chamomile tea & treats from Magnolia Bakery- a New York legend.

Grand Central Station's Terminal Market, for me, always means getting some fancy extra sharp cheese of some kind, and this visit was NO exception!  It was close to Valentine's Day and my favorite cheese place had this adorable little illustration:

Next stop was the MOMA, which is a place I seriously love.  I revel in seeing SERIOUS REAL ACTUAL ORIGINAL works of art by my favorite painterly art peeps- namely, Matisse, VanGogh & Picasso- in REAL LIFE right in front of my face.  It's always breath-taking.

Here's some of my favorites from the day:

 I will never get tired of this^ painting.

If you're the overly sensitive type, consider this your official BOOB ALERT.

This is by Klimt, whom I adore.  It is called Hope, II.  Very moving.

Pamela Bionco, Pomegranate.  Reminded me a lot of my time in Israel.

A lovely painting by Monet called Agapanthus that reminded me of my parents' back yard :)

Andre Masson, The Kill

Totem For All Religions, Frederick Keisler

But the real gem was the temporary exhibit on the top floor of art by individuals from Japan in the years after the atomic bomb was dropped.  These post-war pieces were raw, emotional, culturally unique, and made me think of the people of Japan in that era in a way that I never had before.  It was very moving and enlightening.  Definitely worth seeing if you are in town in the near future!

Next stop was Phantom of the Opera!!  AGM had never  seen a Broadway show before, and I thought this one would be a good intro.  We wanted to see Evita, but Ricky Martin had already given his last performance as the male lead (NOOOO!!!), so Phantom it was!  The theater was beautiful, the music was excellent, and it was a really fun show to see.  Plus this year is the 25th anniversary of Phantom running on Broadway, which I guess is kind of a big deal in some circles...

Then we explored downtown and the park a little more, including stopping at my favorite little cupcake place in NYC- Baked By Melissa, which makes bite sized, super moist lil' cupcakes (of course, we had to try SEVERAL!).

Here's me in Time Square sporting my ultra luxe, super fabulous fur coat that my mom gave me at Christmas time:

Definitely Time Square worthy!

Our explorations also took us to the Lincoln Center and the LDS temple which is right across the way.

After a brief jaunt in the park, we strutted down 5th Avenue & I scoped out over-priced loving cups & silver spoons to give to my niece-to-be (SO EXCITED FOR HER TO ARRIVE!) at the one and only 5th Avenue Tiffany's!

 The finishing touch was THE MOST AMAZING INDIAN FOOD I HAVE EVER HAD from a fancy little restaurant recommended to us by a NYC regular who is a Wharton School of Business person (U Penn) with AGM.  The recommendation was spot on!  Honestly delicious.  And we even got dessert.

What a day!

Someday I might have to live in NYC.  If and when I do, I will have a couch for you to sleep on when you visit- promise.

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